The GCMAS has previously offered the following tutorials, workshops, symposiums, and consulting services to members and Fine Wire EMG non-members. These workshops are available often available on a fee basis and can be a standalone event or paired with existing symposiums or conferences.
- Motion Analysis for Beginners
- Indications and Explicit Guidance for Bony Surgery Using Gait Analysis
- Toe Walking: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Decision-making Using Gait Analysis
- From Body to Joints to Muscles: An Integrative Multi-Scale Assessment of Ankle and Foot Function in Human Locomotion
- Indications and Explicit Guidance for Bony Surgery Using Gait Analysis
- Why We Walk The Way We Do
- Quantitative Clinical and Biomechanical Analysis of Upper Extremity Movement Dysfunction
- I downloaded OpenSim – NOW WHAT?
- Gait Analysis Data Interpretation: Understanding kinematic relationships within and across planes of motion
- Induced Acceleration Analysis for Everyone
- Biomechanical Models for Gait Analysis – Which One Should We Choose
- Indications and Explicit Guidance for Soft Tissue Surgery Using Gait Analysis
- Commission for Motion Laboratory Accreditation (CMLA)
- Clinical Applications of Nonlinear Analysis
- Innovative Techniques in EMG Analysis
- Problem Solving in Clinical Movement Analysis: The Challenge of Running a Quality Service
- Integrated Quantitative Spasticity Assessment
- Automation of Data Collection, Analysis, Storage, Reporting, & Retrieval in Motion Analysis Laboratories
- Impairment Focused Interpretation: A clinical reasoning approach to the interpretation and understanding of gait analysis data
- Robotic Lower Limb Exoskeletons for Human Locomotion
- Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) - Theory and Practice
- Minimally Invasive Multi-level Surgery & Rehabilitation for children with Cerebral Palsy
- Software for Interactive Musculosketetal Modeling (SIMM) to facilitate modeling, animation and analysis of 3D musculosketetal systems.
- Database development and management
- Foot Modeling: Common Techniques and Clinical Applications
The society is in the process of organizing and hosting webinars that will be available to members and non-members. Information will be posted on the website as it becomes available. If there is a specific topic of interest, or if you are interested in organizing such an event, please email [email protected].