
clinical_movement2.jpgThe Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) is a multi-disciplinary organization of physicians, allied health professionals, engineers, biomechanists and scientists working together to advance scientific knowledge, technical capabilities, and clinical practice in the field of human movement.

The mission of GCMAS is to improve functional outcomes and quality of life for individuals with any movement disorder at any age. We apply the latest technology and professional knowledge to measure, evaluate, and understand human movement, provide a forum for professional interaction and exchange of ideas, promote education, stimulate research, and disseminate current knowledge and best practices to enhance human movement and health.

Membership is available to all professionals and students interested in motion analysis, gait analysis, or the study of human movement. Information for individuals and families interested in learning about motion analysis or finding a motion analysis laboratory or gait laboratory will be added in the future.

Board of Directors

Executive Officers
President: Chris Church, MPT
Secretary-Treasurer: Ross Chafetz, DPT, PhD

Council Chairs
2024 Co-Conference Chairs: 
Awards Council: Kevin Dibbern, PhD
Communications Council: Braden Romer, PhD
Education Council: Ann Flanagan, PT
Membership Council: Karen Kruger, PhD
Reimbursement Council: Christine Doss Esper, MD
Research Council: Andy Anderson, PhD
Standards Council: Eric Dugan, PhD

Advisory Board

Past-President: Jason Rhodes, MD, MS
Past-President: Krisanne Chapin, PhD
Member at Large: Wendy Pierce, MD

Ancillary Members
Society Administrator: Sahar Hassani
Student Representative: Lauren Luginsland

Gait & Posture Journal

Gait & Posture is the official journal of the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), and International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR).

Gait & Posture subscriptions are available for purchase separately from membership dues, and are priced based on membership level. Print subscriptions to Gait & Posture include online access, and online-only access is also available for purchase. For membership information please visit the Membership page.

Active members can register for online Gait & Posture access through the GCMAS portal at Elsevier's ScienceDirect service. You will be required to provide your Society Linked Email Address, which you can find by clicking "My Profile" when logged into the GCMAS website. Please note that activation of your Elsevier access may take 1-5 business days.

If you have a new subscription requiring activation, register with Elsevier for online access at:

Your membership number to access Gait & Posture will be the email address for your GCMAS Login:


If you have already activated your subscription, you can access the Gait & Posture online archives at:

Your membership number to access Gait & Posture will be the email address for your GCMAS Login:

Access to the online archives is determined by the effective date of membership. Also note that online access to the Gait & Posture archives is provided by Elsevier and does not involve the GCMAS website. The login credentials for the archives are not the same as the login credentials for this site.

Complete instructions for activating access and logging into the Gait & Posture archives are available for download at the bottom of this page.

gapos online access instructions.pdf



Society Links

Commission for Motion Laboratory Accreditation (CMLA)
CMLA is a not-for-profit corporation established in 1997 to be the governing body for clinical motion laboratory accreditation. Its mission is to enhance the clinical care of persons with disorders of human motion by evaluating and accrediting clinical motion laboratories by a set of standard criteria. The GCMAS is a Member Society of CMLA and has two liaisons who sit on the Board of Directors to represent the interests of the GCMAS.

European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children (ESMAC)
The purpose of ESMAC is to stimulate and advance scientific knowledge, professional interaction and the exchange of ideas among Society members relating to movement analysis in adults and children in clinical and research settings. The Society holds an annual scientific meeting which is normally preceded by an instructional course for gait analysis.

International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR)
ISPGR provides a multidisciplinary forum for basic and clinical scientists to present and discuss the latest research and clinical findings relating to the control of posture and gait and related disorders.

American Society of Biomechanics
The mission of ASB is to encourage and foster the exchange of information and ideas among biomechanists working in different disciplines and fields of application, biological sciences, exercise and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and engineering and applied science, and to facilitate the development of biomechanics as a basic and applied science.

Walking With Richard
This is Dr. Richard Baker's online blog, regularly updated with his notes on gait analysis and lower limb biomechanics. Several of his presentations and lectures are available for download.

Contact Us


The GCMAS has previously offered the following tutorials, workshops, symposiums, and consulting services to members and Fine Wire EMG non-members. These workshops are available often available on a fee basis and can be a standalone event or paired with existing symposiums or conferences. 

  • Motion Analysis for Beginners
  • Indications and Explicit Guidance for Bony Surgery Using Gait Analysis
  • Toe Walking: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Decision-making Using Gait Analysis
  • From Body to Joints to Muscles: An Integrative Multi-Scale Assessment of Ankle and Foot Function in Human Locomotion
  • Indications and Explicit Guidance for Bony Surgery Using Gait Analysis
  • Why We Walk The Way We Do
  • Quantitative Clinical and Biomechanical Analysis of Upper Extremity Movement Dysfunction
  • I downloaded OpenSim – NOW WHAT?
  • Gait Analysis Data Interpretation: Understanding kinematic relationships within and across planes of motion
  • Induced Acceleration Analysis for Everyone
  • Biomechanical Models for Gait Analysis – Which One Should We Choose
  • Indications and Explicit Guidance for Soft Tissue Surgery Using Gait Analysis
  • Commission for Motion Laboratory Accreditation (CMLA)
  • Clinical Applications of Nonlinear Analysis
  • Innovative Techniques in EMG Analysis
  • Problem Solving in Clinical Movement Analysis: The Challenge of Running a Quality Service
  • Integrated Quantitative Spasticity Assessment
  • Automation of Data Collection, Analysis, Storage, Reporting, & Retrieval in Motion Analysis Laboratories
  • Impairment Focused Interpretation: A clinical reasoning approach to the interpretation and understanding of gait analysis data
  • Robotic Lower Limb Exoskeletons for Human Locomotion
  • Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) - Theory and Practice
  • Minimally Invasive Multi-level Surgery & Rehabilitation for children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Software for Interactive Musculosketetal Modeling (SIMM) to facilitate modeling, animation and analysis of 3D musculosketetal systems.
  • Database development and management
  • Foot Modeling: Common Techniques and Clinical Applications

The society is in the process of organizing and hosting webinars that will be available to members and non-members. Information will be posted on the website as it becomes available. If there is a specific topic of interest, or if you are interested in organizing such an event, please email [email protected].


Find A Lab

Below is a list of clinical and research gait labs within North America. The drop down tab in the top left of the map will aid in delineating various lab types for easier navigation.

If you are a lab director that would like to update your lab's information, or add your lab information to the map, please contact Dr. Braden Romer at [email protected].  

Diversity & Inclusiveness Statement

To the GCMAS Community –

The Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. As a society, we condemn and denounce the acts of racism, violence, misinformation, and intolerance that continue to devastate our country.

GCMAS is a collaborative society centered in the belief that individuals with different professional backgrounds, interests and knowledge can work together “to improve outcomes and quality of life for individuals with any movement disorder, at any age.” The diversity of our membership, however, is not only related to our educational training. Each member’s ideals, values, goals and perspectives are deeply rooted in their personal, social, ethnic, cultural, and life experiences. It is our diversity that gives us strength - it strengthens GCMAS as a society, it strengthens the work that we do to advance our field, it deepens our understanding, and it enhances our ability to make a difference in this world.

As America and the world continue to mourn the death of George Floyd and reflect on other incidents across our nation, we must work together to overcome the social injustice that so many of our friends, colleagues and neighbors experience daily.

As an organization, GCMAS is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and equal rights for all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, orientation or age. We will continue to preserve and improve the health and lives of our patients, treat all individuals with respect, and be vigilant in aiding the welfare of our communities.

Over the last few years, GCMAS has led STEM programs for underrepresented minority high school students at our annual conference with the financial support of the NIH. In addition, we have supported National Biomechanics Day which aims to introduce our field to younger generations. But we can do better. The Board of Directors will be creating a new Diversity Task Force who will work with our Membership Council chair to strategize and implement new programming, events and initiatives to increase the diversity of our membership. In the coming weeks we will invite all members to share their thoughts, ideas and suggestions and express their interest in participating in task force.

We must stand together with all people of color, not only today, but always. We must stand together to improve our society, our country, and the world. We look forward to working together with everyone in our GCMAS community.


Jason T. Rhodes, MD

President, GCMAS

GCMAS Diversity Statement.pdf
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